Recent content by Bloxxerman

  1. Bloxxerman

    Hey everyone!

    Hey everyone!
  2. Bloxxerman

    Thank you Bossjosh!

    Thank you Bossjosh!
  3. Bloxxerman

    I-Pixelmon's 2024 Thanksgiving event will be announced soon! Be sure to look out for it on our...

    I-Pixelmon's 2024 Thanksgiving event will be announced soon! Be sure to look out for it on our Discord server!
  4. Bloxxerman

    I'll absolutely unban you, could you please add me on Discord @ inetwork?

    I'll absolutely unban you, could you please add me on Discord @ inetwork?
  5. Bloxxerman

    Truly is!

    Truly is!
  6. Bloxxerman

    Hey! I actually have been considering opening it back up for whitelist only, specifically for...

    Hey! I actually have been considering opening it back up for whitelist only, specifically for old members wanting to hop on it every so often. Just searching for a way to host it that is best for our current situation. If and when this happens, I'll be sure to send you a message on our website...
  7. Bloxxerman

    DeathShadow2343 banned appeal

    DeathShadow, Due to not having multiple instances of rule breaking on the server, I have decided to give you another chance. X-Raying is not taken lightly, and as such, any rule breaking following this pardon will result in a permanent community ban. ~Accepted //Locked
  8. Bloxxerman

    ToxicGogeta ban appeal

    ToxicGogeta, Pixelmon Leadership have decided to give you another chance on the server. Please do not take this final chance lightly as another instance like this will leave you with a permanent server ban. ~Accepted //Locked
  9. Bloxxerman

    How is everyone enjoying I-Pixelmon 1.20? :)

    How is everyone enjoying I-Pixelmon 1.20? :)
  10. Bloxxerman

    I-News | Post #3 [May 3rd, 2024]

    I-PIXELMON 1.20 | OFFICIAL SERVER LAUNCH ANNOUNCEMENT! The wait is over for our new Pixelmon Reforged Server: I-Pixelmon 1.20! I-Pixelmon 1.20 has been released. Down below you will find all the information you need for getting online. [ Updated Features in I-Pixelmon 1.20 ] ●Custom Crafts...
  11. Bloxxerman

    Hey Deathsnake25! At this time, Pixelmon Reforged is only available on PC / Laptop devices. If...

    Hey Deathsnake25! At this time, Pixelmon Reforged is only available on PC / Laptop devices. If you ever need assistance with installing Pixelmon, please do not hesitate to reach out to either myself or staff-member within our community!
  12. Bloxxerman

    Doing well- thank you!

    Doing well- thank you!
  13. Bloxxerman

    How has everyone been doing? :)

    How has everyone been doing? :)
  14. Bloxxerman

    Ban Appeal

    BenHeffley, Thank you for taking the time to submit your appeal. While it is encouraging to see that you are working on these past-issues, Leadership has determined that your appeal will be denied at this time. This is largely due to the multiple rule breaking offenses that were broken, as...
  15. Bloxxerman

    Ban appeal

    AkimTheDream2004, After reviewing your ban appeal you have noted an understanding for following our server rules at all times. You have also expressed your guilt for breaking said rules that resulted in your ban. Since I have not seen an abundance of past rule-breaking on our server, I will...