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  • i'm convinced that anything with that good old server's name in it is either being deleted or ignored/hidden
    Hey! I actually have been considering opening it back up for whitelist only, specifically for old members wanting to hop on it every so often. Just searching for a way to host it that is best for our current situation. If and when this happens, I'll be sure to send you a message on our website, or make a post on our Discord server about it
    I'd be really interested in that! I was and still am very passionate about that server, and I loved wandering through the old spawns seeing what people had built in the years long past. Unfortunately, this passion also made me make a decision that I now regret, and got me banned from the discord server(DM advertising for a very small fraction of the world that i extracted from a replay).
    I'll absolutely unban you, could you please add me on Discord @ inetwork?
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