Ban Appeal


New member
Your IGN: BenHeffley

Date you were banned: 6/8/2022

Why you were banned: Making messed-up jokes. Swearing in chat. Continuing to break rules after being reminded not to do so.

What does it say when you log in (Post a screenshot if possible): Your IP address has been banned.

Who banned you: Is2InchesNormal

What will you do to prevent this from happening again: I will not break rules after being asked not do so. I will also make sure to keep my jokes in line with your server's rules.

Why did you break the rules: I broke the rules out of immaturity, and I was only doing this for my own amusement.

Anyone with a similar name: No

Why we should unban you: I think you should unban because I have learned to keep myself in line. The last time I was on the server I was in middle school and very foolish and immature. If I am able to get back on I will read thoroughly through the rules and make sure that I am not breaking them. I also want to continue on my journey to take down the Elite 4.


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