New member
Your IGN: ToxicGogeta
Date you were banned: 5/6/2024
Why you were banned: x ray
What does it say when you log in (Post a screenshot if possible): banned for x raying on other account after first case
Who banned you: jetpack10
What will you do to prevent this from happening again: As i already talked with jetpack10 after apologizing all the files for it have been deleted even got rid of optifine never will happen again horrible mistake on my part.
Why did you break the rules: I came back to the server after years and forgot the rules and i was impatient since all my stuff was wiped i wanted to get back to where i was quickly.
Anyone with a similar name: Not really but gogofett ?
Why we should unban you: I will attach an image but will explain again. I first got caught on the 4th of june for x raying i had 2 stacks of diamonds from it and jetpack10 fairly put me in prison. He warned me about everything and that it was strictly illegal and took my pickaxe 2 stacks of diamonds and all my money in the end i ended up losing more than i even gained. I was told that it was a strict warning and that if it were to happen again i would be banned straight away (he handled it amazingly well was respectful and very straightforward). I admitted to my mistake quickly which jetpack10 can attest to in our conversation told no lie was honest about everything and sincerely apologized many times and was let go. Then a day later when i logged on i was banned for the reason being x raying. I messaged jetpack10 to ask about whats up because i thought everything was sorted i hadnt done any x raying had all the files deleted a day before so i was confused. He told me that i was using x ray on another account and i was dumbfounded. Turns out one of my friends was apparently x raying when i wasnt on ( we are 6 people on the server snowowel, johnfrost1789, farmerdanz, shiner, and cemilesoktum). Cemilesoktum and john are my neightbours and i can understand why jetpack10 may believe that may be me on another account cus i guess we might share the same ip address or similar ip addresses. However they should be able to check from however they found out that about the x ray that it wasnt me since i was barely on after my strict warning and that apparently it was cemile that actually x rayed this time ( it also doesnt make much sense to make another account buy minecraft on that to then just to come and x ray when i could have just bought the 1 legendary i wanted from the /donate shop which would propably be cheaper and faster) . From what ive heard he hasnt been contacted or warned at all and just got banned as well. So i sincerely hope that this case can be reviewed once again. I admit to my earlier mistake and it should have never happened im an ex mod and an ex gym leader i should have known better. So once again i sincerely apologize and thank you for your time and consideration.

Date you were banned: 5/6/2024
Why you were banned: x ray
What does it say when you log in (Post a screenshot if possible): banned for x raying on other account after first case
Who banned you: jetpack10
What will you do to prevent this from happening again: As i already talked with jetpack10 after apologizing all the files for it have been deleted even got rid of optifine never will happen again horrible mistake on my part.
Why did you break the rules: I came back to the server after years and forgot the rules and i was impatient since all my stuff was wiped i wanted to get back to where i was quickly.
Anyone with a similar name: Not really but gogofett ?
Why we should unban you: I will attach an image but will explain again. I first got caught on the 4th of june for x raying i had 2 stacks of diamonds from it and jetpack10 fairly put me in prison. He warned me about everything and that it was strictly illegal and took my pickaxe 2 stacks of diamonds and all my money in the end i ended up losing more than i even gained. I was told that it was a strict warning and that if it were to happen again i would be banned straight away (he handled it amazingly well was respectful and very straightforward). I admitted to my mistake quickly which jetpack10 can attest to in our conversation told no lie was honest about everything and sincerely apologized many times and was let go. Then a day later when i logged on i was banned for the reason being x raying. I messaged jetpack10 to ask about whats up because i thought everything was sorted i hadnt done any x raying had all the files deleted a day before so i was confused. He told me that i was using x ray on another account and i was dumbfounded. Turns out one of my friends was apparently x raying when i wasnt on ( we are 6 people on the server snowowel, johnfrost1789, farmerdanz, shiner, and cemilesoktum). Cemilesoktum and john are my neightbours and i can understand why jetpack10 may believe that may be me on another account cus i guess we might share the same ip address or similar ip addresses. However they should be able to check from however they found out that about the x ray that it wasnt me since i was barely on after my strict warning and that apparently it was cemile that actually x rayed this time ( it also doesnt make much sense to make another account buy minecraft on that to then just to come and x ray when i could have just bought the 1 legendary i wanted from the /donate shop which would propably be cheaper and faster) . From what ive heard he hasnt been contacted or warned at all and just got banned as well. So i sincerely hope that this case can be reviewed once again. I admit to my earlier mistake and it should have never happened im an ex mod and an ex gym leader i should have known better. So once again i sincerely apologize and thank you for your time and consideration.